
Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Kind Of Cable Is Needed To Charge a PS3 Controller

The Process of How the PS3 controller charges up

The PS3 DualShock 3 controller has an internal battery pack, which is used to provide power to the controllers functions. The battery is rechargeable, so when the controller becomes dead, you can simply charge it up. This means you dont have to replace the batteries, like you do with an Xbox 360 controller. The PS3 controller obtains its power from the 5 volts a USB port puts out. This power is then transferred down the USB cable and into the battery pack.

What kind of USB cable do you require to charge up your PS3 controller?

The type of cable you require to connect your PS3 controller to your console is called a Mini USB Charging Cable. This cable has a mini USB connector that connects into the top of your controller. On the other end of the cable is an regular sized USB port. This plugs directly into a USB port on the front of your console. Not only is this type of cable is used to charge a PlayStation 3 controller, it is also used to connect your PSP, mobile phones and sat navs via USB.

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